May - Month of Mary
Vatican news from Pope Francis this May
May is a very special month for the Church as we remember Mary, the Mother of Jesus and Mother of us all.
A full month is given over to Mary and during this month we are asked to think about Mary, say special prayers to her, have May altars, and sing hymns to Mary to tell her how much we love her and to ask her to help us stay close to her son Jesus and to try to live as Jesus shows us. It is a beautiful time of the year to honour Mary, our mother.
It would be lovely if you could share the prayers of the Holy Rosary in your family prayer time at home over the next few weeks and discuss the qualities of gentleness, kindness and love which make Mary such a wonderful role model for us all. If you have any Rosary beads at home, please do use this opportunity to look at them together as you say the prayers.
The prayers within the Holy Rosary are ‘Traditional Prayers’ which your child will be familiar with already as they are part of our prayer life in school.
The ‘Sign of the Cross’
The ‘Our Father’
The ‘Hail Mary’
The ‘Glory Be’
“During this beautiful month of Our Lady, let us crown her with fragrant flowers – the flowers of love, gentleness, meekness and humility for one another, and ask Jesus to be truly a cause of joy to her as He was."
(Saint Teresa of Calcutta - from her letters)